Los verdes son puntos de turismo, los azules escuelas universitarias y las líneas moradas calles con bonitas vistas (además de todo lo demás) para pasear y sacar fotos.

1. St. John's College
2. Ashmolean museum
3. Martyrs Memorial
4. Mansfield College
5. Balliol College
6. Old fire station
7. New Theatre
8. St. Michael at the NorthGate
9. LandMark at cross in Broad street
10. Blackwells bookshop
11. New Bodleian library
12. Clarendon building
13. Sheldonian Theatre
14. Bridge of sights
15. Bodleian library
16. New College
17. Exeter College
18. Radcliffe Camera
19. Lincoln College
20. Brasenose College
21. St. Mary the Virgin
22. Oxford Union
23. Oxford Castle unlocked
24. Carfax tower
25. Town Hall
26. St. Edmund Hall
27. Magdalen College
28. Corpus Christi College
29. Christ Church College
30. Christ Church Cathedral
31. Museum of Oxford
Here it's the map of Oxford with the points i have marked for the visit.Green points are sightseeing and turistic points, blue ones collegues and purple lines beautiful streets (apart from the rest of the points) to walk and take photos.
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