Me encantan esos viajes en metro a primera hora de la mañana, acercándome a las últimas paradas antes de mi destino, cuando solo quedamos unos pocos en el vagón y la gente aun está demasiado dormida para hablar. Esos viajes en los que cada uno está en su mundo, leyendo, pensando, evitando dormirse o echando la última cabezadita. Solo se oye el traca-traca del metro. Esos momentos me relajan, en esos momentos soy capaz de olvidarlo todo…
Pero hoy no ha sido una de esas mañanas. Hoy la gente venía con las pilas cargadas. A mi alrededor un par de persona compartían el pum-pum que salía de sus cascos de música conmigo (y con la mitad del vagón), un grupo de quinceañeras se contaban con voces agudas y chillonas los cotilleos del fin de semana (que si este ha pasado de mí, que si fulanita y menganita se han liado en no sé qué bar…) en otras circunstancias habría envidiado tanta vitalidad un lunes a primera hora, pero hoy no, hoy quería mi viaje tranquilo escuchando en traca-traca del metro.
I love those trip by subway at first time in the morning, at the last stops before mine, when we are not too many on the wagon and people is still too asleep to talk. Those trips in which each person is on his world, reading, thinking, trying not to fall asleep or sleeping a little. You only can hear the sound that the subway makes. In those moments I can relax, I’m able to forget almost everything… Today has not been one of those mornings. Today people was full of energy. Around me some person were sharing the ‘pom-pom’ of their music earphones with me, a group of teenagers were talking with shrill voice about the weekend’s gossip (this boy and this girl have been together this weekend, this boy is not interested on me…) in other circumstances I would have been jealous of such a vitality on a Monday morning, but not today, today I wanted my calm trip listening the sound that the subway makes.

I love those trip by subway at first time in the morning, at the last stops before mine, when we are not too many on the wagon and people is still too asleep to talk. Those trips in which each person is on his world, reading, thinking, trying not to fall asleep or sleeping a little. You only can hear the sound that the subway makes. In those moments I can relax, I’m able to forget almost everything… Today has not been one of those mornings. Today people was full of energy. Around me some person were sharing the ‘pom-pom’ of their music earphones with me, a group of teenagers were talking with shrill voice about the weekend’s gossip (this boy and this girl have been together this weekend, this boy is not interested on me…) in other circumstances I would have been jealous of such a vitality on a Monday morning, but not today, today I wanted my calm trip listening the sound that the subway makes.
"Me encantan esos viajes en metro a primera hora de la mañana" - eso es moral, y no lo del Alcoyano ...